Color theory
When we go for a visit at e friend or at our relatives the first things we see as we go inside the house is the color they have used.There are some specific color that are totally not acceptable as yellow for example. Some times when we see somthing in yellow our head start hurting. In architecture we use some key word when we talk about colors such as: hue,value,chroma,tint,tone,shade. Even the color are seperated in three grups:Monochromatic colors,Achromatic colors,complementary colors. In fact colors it affect our emotion all the tim. But in architecture color is also used to emphasize of the building.Some times colors in buildings are used to orient people where to go. But from country to country its seen that the colors have different meaning for example in China the wedding dress is red but in europe is white.. In 15th century architects were not much interested in colors but in 17th and 18th century colors were important again.But a city with out colors is so empty this is the reason why colors should be always around us.
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